4 min read 0

The most interesting facts about Pike

Pikes are aggressive freshwater fish that prefer a solitary lifestyle. But what do we know about pike besides being packed with protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fats? Not much! Let's fix this bug […]

8 min read 0

Starkis is the Water Wolf of Lithuania

Starki is a medium-sized fish from the perch family. With its elongated body shape, it looks like a pike, with transverse stripes on the sides it resembles a perch, it has two fangs on the lower and upper jaws, which earned it the nickname of a wolf from anglers. Starfish is one of the most popular fish caught in Lithuania. Stark meat is considered dietary due to the high…

4 min read 0

White Amur: Water Cow

White Amur has many different names. Many humorous names can also be heard among fishermen: water cow, underwater grass cutter, etc. These names were not invented without a reason. They fully reflect […]

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Pisces: Marble-Colored Fish

Vegėlė is a fish of the family Lotidae that lives in fresh water. According to scientists, this fish is several million years old. It is a cold-loving fish, as it is active only in winter, when the water temperature drops below +12° C. […]

7 min read 0

Big Sturgeon. One of the World's Largest Fishes

The large sturgeon is one of the largest fish that can be found in the waters of our planet. According to official data, its length can reach 4.5 meters and weigh up to 1500 kilograms. Although there is evidence that sturgeon […]

4 min read 0

Raudé: What is known about this fish

Raudė is a toothed, freshwater predatory fish of the carp family that lives in lakes, rivers and other freshwater bodies. It mainly feeds on larvae and worms. Also does not give up fry and other dead caviar. […]

5 min read 0

Whip: Illegitimate Brother of Karshi

Whitefish is a wonderful fish that belongs to the carp family. Plakis lives in large groups. Everyone knows about this small fish, even young fishermen, unfortunately, it is not possible to catch it everywhere. Also […]

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Eel: The Life Story of a Mysterious Fish

Eel - what is it and what do you know about it? You will probably answer that it looks like a snake and is a delicacy. However, not everything is so simple - those who want to get to know the eel closer [...]

6 min read 0

Carp - The Most Wanted Trophy of Ponds

Carp is one of the most common fish in the world. Translated from Greek, carp means "harvest, fertility", which quite accurately describes the omnivorous, fast-growing freshwater fish. The fish reaches a considerable size, is distinguished by cunning and unpredictable behavior, so catching a trophy is not easy. Fishermen spend several days at the pond to catch their…

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Karši is a Fish You Must Know

Karšis, like some other representatives of warthogs, has a noticeably compressed body. Visually, these fish are easily recognized by the appearance of the body. It is equal to 1/3 of the total length. The tall and tapered dorsal fin makes the fish appear even larger than it actually is. Rays have an asymmetric fin in the tail area. The anal fin has 30…

6 min read 0

Lynas is the National Fish of Lithuania

The line is similar to the carp fish. The body color of the fish often changes shades depending on the body of water. The sandy lake has fish with a silver-olive and bronze hue. There are also dark green, almost black ones that live in heavily silted and peaty ponds. A distinctive feature of ropes is small bright red eyes, a small mouth with thick lips. Body…

3 min read 0

Trout - Who is it?

Trout - (Lat. Salmo trutta fario, English Brown Trout, German Bachforelle) - salmon fish belonging to the Salmonidae family. The body is spindly. The back is lilac with dark stripes. The sides are greenish-yellow, mottled [...]

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