4 min read 0

Flat Method Feeder - Fishing Tactics, Techniques, Features

Fishing Flat Method Feeder is an effective method of fishing for carp, crucian carp, bream and other fish in still water. In this way, you can also fish in rivers with a small current, but the flat method feeder is still more intended for stagnant water. In this article, you will learn how Flat Method Feeder fishing works, how to choose the right baits and how to…

5 min read 0

Roach Fishing Feeder Spring

Feeder roach fishing is how most anglers start their open water season. This fish is already quite active in clean cold water. Some anglers believe that roach fishing is mostly float […]

2 min read 0

Bottom Angling Test

Over the long weekend, I finally got around to trying out my bottom fishing kit. Well, the same feeders as bottom feeders (360 and 390 in length), but already with a pop-up boilie system, a stand and alarms. The long […]

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Fishing with a Feeder in an Unknown Reservoir

As long as the heat continues, I leave the predators alone and settle for white fish. This time I went to a completely unknown reservoir to try feeder fishing. Through the maps, I found where it is theoretically possible to drive up and fish. […]

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Last feeder fishing. Season closing

With the inexorable approach of winter, it is becoming rarer to find a more beautiful day for fishing. I'm not talking about fanatical anglers for whom no weather is an obstacle. I am also an amateur fisherman. For which fishing […]

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Relaxation by the lake with a feeder

Somehow I haven't written anything for a long time, even though I have been fishing. Apparently, everyone has such periods of time when there is simply no "inspiration". I will try to find it more often. Well, now briefly about fishing. Morning […]

4 min read 0

Summer is Vacation Time. Karšiai Fishing Summer.

It's been a long time since I wrote anything, but there are reasons for that. We will correct the situation. I went with a colleague to catch trout. You can find the video by clicking here or by going to the Video section. The fishing was amazing. A colleague broke the trout record. Former […]

1 min read 0

March. closing with feeder fishing

So what. Finally, when the weather warmed up, the lakes started to move too 🙂 In March, you could say, I stopped feeder fishing. It is clear that fishing is not without adventure. I put the car on the bottom. Glad I'm not the first one there […]

3 min read 0

First fishing with a new feeder

As the weather warms up, the whitefish are slowly starting to move as well. There are many photos with impressive bream in the groups. So without waiting for anything, I went to the lake with a new feeder. Those who regularly read my […]

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Feeder in winter

Winter. The winter of 2019-2020 is one of the warmest. In my modest 30 years, I don't remember a single winter without ice. Ice even on a super puddle. On the eighth day of February, the forecast is +4 […]

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Bottom fishing is not as easy as it seems

Bottom fishing is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. These are the thoughts that come to a beginner in bottom fishing, that is me. It would seem that you tied the system, stuffed the feeder, threw in the feed and waited... Aha... Why not... :) Here you put on the bait with the spinning and go ahead to "carve". Although with him you need to know where,…

3 min read 0

Two Day Fishing Trip

Cabin on the lake and fishing. Thus began my fishing journey. It's probably the dream of every fisherman to have a house on the shore of the lake, so that when he wakes up in the morning with coffee, he can't go to the TV to watch fishing shows, but on his own, throw a spinning rod, throw a bottom line or just sit and think :) I made this dream come true for a while. Two nights…