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Jackall Chubby - Jackal Chubby

If we list the top five most famous wobblers created by the Japanese company Jackall, the Jackall Chubby wobbler will definitely be included in it. During its existence on the market, the jackall chubby wobbler has certainly won the love of all kinds of spinning anglers [...]

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Reels for Spinning - How to Choose the Right One

Choosing a good reel for spinning is the main task of every fisherman. Spinning reel is a key element of fishing. The right fishing gear will make fishing a real pleasure. There are many coil specifications to consider in order to choose the ideal option for you. This means that the reel for spinning must be chosen carefully and match your fishing method.

5 min read 2

How to Choose Spinning for Pike

Properly selected spinning for pike is a convenient and reliable tool for catching toothfish. Pike fishing requires knowledge and patience from the fisherman. And in order to have more patience, you need to choose the "correct" spinning rod for pike. The stem is the basis of the equipment. Let's try to figure out together how to choose the right spinning for pike.

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Lugs for Trout Fishing 2023

Lures for trout fishing are gaining more and more popularity. This is a very exciting, difficult and always interesting way of fishing, because trout is a very finicky and cautious fish that does not give away its location. Choosing a place is a very important step in successful fishing. A fisherman has to walk several kilometers to find a fish. Trout are very picky habitats…

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Spinning for Trout. How to Choose the Right One?

Spinning for trout is one of the most important elements in fishing. Different fishing styles and rods are quite different, so their characteristics will vary. If you don't want to trouble yourself too much, you can rely on the advice of the seller in the store, but in order to buy a spinning reel that suits you, you will have to delve a little deeper into the nuances of fishing.

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TOP 8 ALIEXPRESS fishing tackle stores

Every hobby angler is looking for good performing less expensive lures for their fishing arsenal. Not everyone can afford to buy expensive original lures and is looking for analogues. Including me. I am a mere mortal who […]

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Spinning Fishing Choice. What to Pay Attention to?

The choice of spinning for fishing - this question has been asked by almost every angler at least once in his life. If you decide to buy a spinning rod, then I advise you to find an experienced angler among your friends, let him help you choose. Before […]

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Wobblers for pike. How to Choose the Best?

Wobblers for pike have become the main bait for catching this toothy predator in recent years. The range of pike lures available in fishing shops is simply amazing. The reason for such popularity of wobblers for pike is their special baiting, especially when the predator is very active. The pike is distributed almost everywhere, lives in all types of water bodies: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams...

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The best Aliexpress Baits for Fishing. What's Worth Watching?

It's no secret that I've been fishing with aliexpress baits for quite some time now. I have tried many products from different stores. Those who are more interested in aliexpress stores know that aliexpress baits often come with big discounts. I would like to share with you my best aliexpress shops that are worth paying attention to when it comes to lures. I will upload the shop links below…