Bottom fishing is not as easy as it seems

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Bottom fishing is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. These are the thoughts that come to a beginner in bottom fishing, that is me. It would seem that you tied the system, stuffed the feeder, threw the feed and waited... Aha... Why not... 🙂 Here with spinning you put on the bait and go "carve". Although with it you need to know where, how, when and with whom to "carve".
In one word, you need to study everywhere to achieve a result 🙂

Bottom - Experiments with feed

This time the outing with the bottom was a bit of an experiment. I boiled pearl millet, peas. Well, I think I will make fodder for "trophies" soon. I mixed in leftover feed from last fishing. Large fractions for heat. And to all this joy I added peas with grits. And that was my biggest mistake.
Normal fodder turned into mush. Which is too sticky. Does not fall out of the feeder. You won't understand the smell, it's strange even to yourself. Maybe the product is suitable for the initial feeding, but it needs to be transported to the place either by ship or by boat. Which, unfortunately, I didn't have at the moment. With a simple feeder, you will get tired of throwing such a product. Well, what are you going to do, we learn from our mistakes. I threw it as far as I could. Of course, I didn't fish, but with the hope that I would invite the fish at least somewhere closer to me, I started mixing a simple purchased, universal, vanilla-scented bait.


After mixing the bait I started the standard procedure. Five / six feeders for the first feeding. And then casting with bait. This time I decided to recast more often (not without the help of Mr. Korsak's show, of course). Every 10-15 minutes loading feeders, hooking fresh game and shooting back to the fishing spot. After the third pass - baiting. The monkey moves with light strokes. An understatement. A beautiful roach on the shore. A few more casts, a few empty baits followed by another roach to the shore. And there would be more than one such roach after 200g, but time is already pointing in the direction of home. You have to wrap your fishing rod and go home to wait for the next departure.
Here is my primer with a bottom rod. Autumn is the time for big bream - let's see.

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