Flat Method Feeder - Fishing Tactics, Techniques, Features

Method Feeder

Flat Method Feeder is efficient carp, carousel, bream and other fish fishing method in standing water. In this way, it is possible to fish in rivers with a small current, but the flat method feeder is still more intended for stagnant water. This article will tell you how fishing Method Feeder, how to correctly choose baits and use them when fishing.

How Flat Method Feeder came to be

The Flat Method Feeder was invented and developed in England according to the canons of carp fishing. But now it is more of a feeder fishing method than the classic carp method. This is a variant of the feeder fishing method, which is similar in its equipment and operating principle. However, due to the nuances of the equipment, the design of the feeder and the general versatility of the tackle, this method has become popular not only for carp fishing.

It is difficult to fish with classic feeders in silty stagnant water bodies, the bottom of which is rich in vegetation and silt. However, such reservoirs are the main habitats of carp, tench, and carp. The Method Feeder helps in this situation - the flat shape of the bottom of the feeder and the hidden bait in the bait allow safe fishing in these conditions. The flat sole of the feeder does not penetrate the mud, and the leash with the hook does not get tangled in the grass because it hides in the bait. After casting, the feeder falls to the bottom with the heavy, loaded side. The bait remains on top with the bait hidden in it. As the bait slowly disintegrates in the water, it loosens the bait and it remains floating above the feeder and bait.

Flat Method Feeder
Flat Method Feeder

Installation method

Flat Method Feeder is installed according to the inline principle - you pierce the main line through the feeder, tie a spinner at the end of the main line, we install a leash with a hair system and a boilie on the spinner. You lay the boilie with the hook on the feeder. With the feeder mold, you scoop up the swollen mouse feed and mold the feed onto the feeder. If you did everything right, you get a feeder with molded feed and a hidden kettle with a hook inside.

Installation of the Method Feeder system

Fishing tactics

Flat Method Feeder fishing takes place both as a normal feeder fishing with a feeding point, and as a reconnaissance method, when the fishing point is obviously not so delicately searched for and not fed. It is appropriate to use the reconnaissance method in reservoirs when there are no clearly expressed anomalies at the bottom. For example, it can be a pond with a flat bottom.

Intelligence method

Where the reconnaissance method is applied:

  • On an unfamiliar body of water.
  • Deposits of uniform relief.
  • When the fish does not stand still, but "walks" through the entire pond.
  • Along with fishing a well-fed area as a second rod.

First, measure the bottom to get an idea of what kind of bottom you will be fishing on. Then put together a certain scheme in your head. Throws can be made, for example, on the principle of a left-right fan. It is cast to a point, we wait for 15-30 minutes, then, if there were no baits, to another place. If there was a bait, we throw it back there. Always clip to hit exactly the same spot where the bait was. If another fish is caught at the same point, you need to feed the point and catch it. The goal of the technique is to achieve constant and stable hooks from one point.

Method of feeding

If a promising point is known in advance, we start fishing in the standard way - by feeding the point. The amount and composition of the bait depends on the type of fish and the time of year when fishing.

Optimum Flat Method Feeder fishing is best done with two rods. One is placed on the feeding point, the other is used for searching. Search casts can be empty, and for example, a well-fed point will suddenly start working after 2-3 hours.

Flat Method Feeder Šėrykla
Flat Method Feeder Feeder

Flat Method Feeder lures

The classic bait is a floating boilie (pop-up) with a diameter of 8-12 mm. It is not advisable to use larger boilers. Big bait does not mean big fish. Almost all trophy specimens, as a rule, are caught on small pop-up baits. That size pop-up boilies fits perfectly between the edges of the feeder. My favorite boilies Deepex 10 and 12 mm.

Pop-Up boiliai
Pop-Up Boilies

Floating boilies can be used as a separate bait, but also in combination with sinking baits - pellets, worms, corn, boars, etc. The angler's goal is to achieve neutral or negative buoyancy so that the bait barely lifts or rests on top of the bait.

Pop-up boiliai vandenyje
Pop-up boilies in water

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