Fluorocarbon Line: Disadvantages, Advantages and What It Is Used For

Fluorokarboninis Valas sunline

Fluorocarbon fishing line is becoming increasingly popular due to its unique properties that give anglers an advantage in a variety of fishing situations. Fluorocarbon line is particularly effective when catching more cautious fish, for example trout, because the line perfectly "blends" into the environment and is less visible to the fish.

Composition and properties of fluorocarbon cleaner

Fluorocarbon line is made from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a special polymer material that gives this line special properties. Compared to traditional monofilament, fluorocarbon line has a higher density and better resistance to environmental factors. Due to these properties, fluorocarbon line is much more resistant to abrasion, more durable and less damaged.

The main feature of fluorocarbon line is that the line is almost invisible underwater, so fish cannot see it as easily as other types of lines. This invisibility is one of the reasons why fluorocarbon has become popular with anglers, especially when catching more cautious fish.

Also, fluorocarbon is heavier than water, so it sinks. This gives an advantage when bottom fishing or when the bait needs to be closer to the bottom. Fluorocarbon also deforms less when stressed, so it retains its shape and strength.

Advantages of fluorocarbon cleaner

Fluorocarbon line has several important advantages that often make it the preferred choice for anglers over other lines. Here are some of the main benefits of fluorocarbon fishing line

Invisibility in water

One of the most important properties of fluorocarbon line is its near invisibility under water. This is especially important when fishing for more cautious fish such as trout or carp, who can spot traditional monofilament or braided line and avoid the bait.

Abrasion resistance

Fluorocarbon line has a higher abrasion resistance than most other lines. It can withstand contact with obstacles such as rocks, shells, plants or various other obstacles in the water, making it an excellent choice for fishing in difficult areas where greater wear resistance is required.


Fluorocarbon line has a higher density than water, so it sinks. This is an important feature when bottom fishing or using lures that need to stay close to the bottom. Braided or monofilament line can float or rise to the surface, making fluorocarbon an ideal choice for certain fishing situations.


Fluorocarbon is UV resistant, making it more durable than most other lines that lose their properties over time when exposed to sunlight. Because of this, fluorocarbon line can last longer.

Disadvantages of fluorocarbon cleaner

Although fluorocarbon line has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages that should be considered when choosing a line.


One of the main disadvantages of fluorocarbon line is its rigidity. This line is much less flexible than monofilament and can be more difficult to control, especially when used as a main line instead of a shocklyder (leash).

Higher price

Fluorocarbon line is significantly more expensive than other lines such as monofilament or braided line. Due to the more complex production technology, fluorocarbon often costs more, which can be a disadvantage for anglers looking for cost-effective solutions.

Lower knot strength

Another possible disadvantage is the decrease in the strength of the nodes. Fluorocarbon sometimes loses some of its strength when knots are tied. Due to its hardness and low elasticity, some knots may not hold as well as other lines. In order to reduce this problem, it is recommended use special nodes, adapted to fluorocarbon line.

What is fluorocarbon line used for?

Shocklyder (leash)

Fluorocarbon line is usually used as a shocklyder (leash) - a short section of line which with a special node tied to the main line. Its invisibility in the water and abrasion resistance make it an ideal choice when anglers want to protect their main line.

Bottom fishing

Because fluorocarbon line sinks, it is perfect for bottom fishing. When fishing closer to the bottom, it is important that the line is less visible. Due to its high density, fluorocarbon sinks quickly and naturally adapts to the bottom of the water, making it harder for fish to notice the line.

When fishing cautious fish

Fluorocarbon line is an excellent choice when fishing for fish that are very sensitive to visible line, such as trout, carp or other wary fish. Less visible fluorocarbon gives anglers a better chance of catching wary fish.

Fishing between obstacles

Due to its resistance to abrasion, fluorocarbon line is extremely effective when fishing in areas with many obstacles such as rocks or roots. It withstands more friction and reduces the risk of the line breaking when the line rubs against obstacles.

Popular fluorocarbon lines

Fluorocarbon line Sufix Super 21

Sufix Super 21 Fluorocarbon is made from 100% pure fluorocarbon. The line features 21% with less stretch than many other fluorocarbon lines, which allows for better hook feel and faster response. Sufix Super 21 also has excellent abrasion resistance, making it suitable for use in both clear and obstructed waters. It holds knots well, so it is suitable both as a main line and as a leash for various fishing.

Fluorokarboninis valas Sufix Super 21 Fluorocarbon

Fluorocarbon line Stroft FC2

Stroft FC2 Fluorocarbon line is famous for its abrasion resistance and durability. It is a versatile fluorocarbon line that can be used both as a shock leader and as a main line. Due to its robustness, it is an ideal choice for difficult fishing conditions. This line is popular among fans of spinning and bottom fishing

Fluorokarboninis valas Stroft FC2 Fluorocarbon

Fluorocarbon line Sunline Siglon FC

Sunline Siglon Fluorocarbon is one of the most popular and well-regarded fluorocarbon lines, which is famous for its strength, extremely low stretch and excellent abrasion resistance. This line is almost invisible underwater, making it perfect for fishing in clear waters where fish can easily spot the line. Sunline Siglon also has good knot retention so can be used both as a main line and as a leash. It is perfect for both spinning and float or bottom fishing.

Fluorokarboninis valas Sunline Siglon Fluorocarbon

Fluorocarbon line Seaguar Grand Max Soft Plus

Seaguar Grand Max Soft Plus stands out for its softness and firmness, which makes it easy to control when fishing even in difficult conditions. This line is an excellent choice for leash use due to its abrasion resistance and near-total invisibility in the water. Seaguar Grand Max Soft Plus has exceptional knot strength, which is extremely important when tying with a main line or hook.

Seaguar Grand Max Soft Plus

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