Best Time of Day for Pike Fishing Summer


The rest of the year you should focus on day fishing. For pike fishing in summer, a much better choice very early mornings and evenings or late evenings. Colder water always has a high oxygen content.

However, fish activity is still significantly reduced during the slightly warmer hours of the day as the water temperature is lower for the rest of the day. And in the summer - the complete opposite! Water temperature both day and night is significantly higher, however the oxygen content underwater is often extremely low.

Pro Tip: Choose deeper lakes or rivers as the deeper and moving water is cooler in the summer and therefore contains a bit more oxygen!

Pike will only rise slightly from the bottom when the water temperature is lower. And in summer it happens only when does not shine the sun or when it is very low.

So if you want to have a successful summer catch fish, you will either have to be an early riser or a late owl! Namely in the early and late hours of the day pike activity is the highest.

Pro tip: Use the good old rule of thumb - summer pike fishing is best done only at times of day when you don't think it's too warm outside. As soon as the morning sun begins to heat up - stop fishing. When the heat of the day subsides, you can fish again in the evening.

It is not recommended to fish for pike on warm summer days, because the reduced oxygen content in the water has a negative impact on the nutrition, behavior and activity of the fish. Especially in summer, night pike fishing can be very effective.

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