The most interesting facts about Pike

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Pikes are aggressive freshwater fish that prefer a solitary lifestyle. But what do we know about pike, in addition to being packed with protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fats? Not much! Let's fix this error together. Here are, in my opinion, the most interesting facts about pike.

Facts about pike

No. 1

The pike has a long, relatively flat body with mottled or spotted stripes on the back, which gives it camouflage among river and lake bottom vegetation. Like fingerprints, these patterns are completely unique to each fish.

No. 2

The small scales are usually bluish-gray, yellow-green, or brown, which become lighter near the bottom of the fish.

No. 3

Pike have a narrow, pointed head with large eyes. It has one dorsal and one anal fin near the tail, as well as two pairs of fins near the head and abdomen.

No. 4

Pike can grow up to 1.5 meters in length, but the average length of individuals is usually 60-90 cm.

Facts about pike - no. 5

They live in slow flowing freshwater rivers, lakes and canals. You can find it in most bodies of water, as long as their waters are well oxygenated and not too acidic. Pike prefer shallow areas with abundant vegetation. Fish use these plants as hiding places when hunting. It tries to catch the victim by surprise, avoiding long, energy-consuming chases.

No. 6

Pike is an insatiable hunter. It grabs its prey by its entire body, immobilizes it with its pointed, backward-facing teeth, and then turns the prey head-first to swallow it whole. Pike feed on small fish, frogs, newts, crayfish, insects, leeches, rodents, small mammals and birds.

No. 7

Some pike weigh up to 35 kg. They can eat prey up to half their own weight!

No. 8

There are four main types of pike: Northern, Southern, Amur and Aquitaine. It is noteworthy that the latter was first discovered in the southwestern region of France in 2014, and thus has been little studied until now.

No. 9

Large eyes give pike binocular vision. Some species have a movable eye that can see in almost any direction.

Facts about pike - no. 10

Pike spawning usually takes place from February to the end of April. The exact time depends on the water temperature, which should reach 6-12 °C. Mating behavior varies by species. For example, a male northern pike can induce a female to release her eggs by gently nudging them on the head. The male will then release his sperm to fertilize the eggs.

No. 11

Spawning usually takes place in relatively shallow water. Single females often return to preferred spawning grounds accompanied by 2-4 smaller males known as "Valets".

No. 12

A large female can produce 200,000 to 500,000 eggs!

No. 13

Young pike will hatch from the fertilized eggs after a few weeks. Vulnerable and lonely, they attach themselves to grasses and survive on the yolk sac before they have the opportunity to feed on more nutritious food. When their mouths finally develop, the young fish will start consuming zooplankton (tiny aquatic animals).

No. 14

Survival of free-swimming larvae under natural conditions ranges from 0.1 to 5%. Chances of survival are low due to cannibalism, predation by other fish, waterfowl and water beetles.


Facts about pike - no. 15

Young pike grow quickly and can reach 60 cm in 3 years, males reach sexual maturity in 2 years and females in 4 years.

No. 16

The pike is an ideal predator that does not require evolutionary changes. Fossils found show that the current form has survived for more than 60 million years!

No. 17

Contrary to popular belief, pike do not need to feed frequently to survive.

No. 18

A pike is an intelligent predator that has the ability to change its body color after a while according to the changing environment.

No. 19

Sensory pores located along the fish's snout and lower jaw capture odor and vibrations from the aquatic environment.

Facts about pike - no. 20

Larger females often catch sick, dying and dead fish as an easy food source, and in doing so assume the role of hunters, helping to maintain a healthy and balanced body of water.

No. 21

The average lifespan of a pike in the wild is 10-15 years. The record holder for age lived almost 26 years.

No. 22

Old individuals become brown and sometimes gray with age.

No. 23

Despite their aggressive nature, very few cases of pike attacking humans have been recorded. This is most likely because the pike is not interested in fighting a much larger creature. In most cases, the pike prefers to run.

No. 24

Pikes are popular fish, are caught both commercial and sport anglers. Due to pollution, overfishing and lack of suitable breeding grounds, fish numbers are rapidly declining.

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