What to do if you are bitten by a tick while fishing? Practical Tips


Thousands of fishermen are waiting for spring, when the sun will start to melt the ice in rivers and lakes, so that they can take fishing rods in their hands and go fishing. In addition, warm spring is one of my favorite fishing moments. It is warm and pleasant outside. Especially if the weather is nice with sunny days and a slight warm breeze. The awakening nature is breathtaking and pleasing to the eye. But along with all these benefits, a parasite like a tick also wakes up. Every fisherman has encountered it more than once. Such encounters are not the most pleasant.

How to recognize a tick?

The body is flat, covered with a chitinous coating, covered with bristles, without a transverse septum. The legs are short, four pairs, only slightly longer than the body or the same length. Body structure is highly dependent on species specification. 1-2 pairs of eyes, many species do not have eyes. Walks slowly. Ticks common in very different biotopes, different sizes (from 0.1 to 15 mm). A large part of ticks are parasites of animals and plants, carriers of diseases, and pests.

How to protect yourself from ticks?

First you need to choose an outfit. Clothing must fully cover exposed areas of the body. It is best to wear rubber shoes. Use anti-tick sprays or ointments.

What to do if bitten by a tick?

If you still find a tick that has been sucked in, don't panic. The first and most important rule is don't wait, pull the tick as early as possible. The shorter it is sucked in, the less likely it is to become infected with tick-borne diseases. This can be done in several ways. The easiest way to take tweezers is to grab the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull it straight up carefully, calmly, evenly and without twisting (if you twist to the sides, the belly of the tick may break off, and the head and weevil will remain in the skin, which will increase the risk of various infections and tick-borne diseases) . The most important thing is not to crush or tear off the "head" of the tick from the body. If it happened that the "head" remained in your skin with a disinfected needle, carefully scrape it off and remove it.

After removing the tick, be sure to spray the wound with disinfectant liquid and place the tick itself in a closed container and deliver it to the doctor as soon as possible. facility for doctors to check if the tick is not a distributor of some league. At the same time, it will inform you about your next steps after a tick bite. I do not recommend doing home remedies in any way. Leave it to the professionals.

In the end, I would like to wish you the best possible health and as little contact with ticks as possible.

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