When is the best fishing pike

kada kimba lydeka

Every fisherman wants to know when a pike is caught. No one wants to go home empty-handed. Choosing the right gear is not the only factor that determines the success of pike fishing. Fishing is affected by many factors such as: time, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, water temperature, etc. In unfavorable weather conditions, the pike may not react to any, even the most attractive, bait thrown under the pike's nose. In this article, we will try to find out when pike are caught, what weather is most suitable for pike fishing and what conditions are most favorable for successful fishing.

When does pike catch in autumn

Autumn is the most popular pike fishing season, because pike are unusually active at this time of year and greedily attack anything they can swallow.

Several days of low pressure as well as light winds are excellent ingredients for successful fishing. An increased temperature, on the contrary, significantly reduces pike baiting, and when the weather warms up in autumn, they become sluggish and passive.

Good weather does not help the baiting either, as the visibility in the reservoir becomes better and forces the pike to go to deeper layers of water.

From about the middle of October, the water temperature does not change much due to weather changes, so the chances of good baiting increase.

Kada kimba lydeka rudenį

Fishing for pike in winter

Winter fishing is not for all anglers, but pike fishing continues this season. Fishing is several times lower than in autumn, but in favorable weather conditions, the probability of catching increases. In winter, pike are practically inactive on cold days.

It is recommended to choose warming periods for fishing. The optimal time is considered the beginning of freezing (first ice). This is due to the fact that the oxygen level has not yet dropped. When it decreases, the fish will become passive. In winter, pike stop moving around the entire body of water, they prefer to sit in holes.

In winter, a cloudy, warm day is preferred. Clear cold days rarely produce good results. It is recommended to use live bait for bait. Artificial baits are not very effective in winter, but they can also be used to successfully catch pike in winter.

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When does the pike catch in the spring?

Spring is characterized by the beginning of activity for all fish, and pike are no exception.

The ideal spring fishing conditions are warm weather during the day. Early morning and late evening in spring are not suitable for fishing - the water is still too cold without sunlight, so pike are passive in the morning and evening.

You can read more about pike fishing in spring in my article.

Kada kimba lydeka pavasarį

Pike fishing in summer

The summer season is not the best for pike fishing. Too high a temperature in water bodies causes heat shock to the predator, making it passive and indifferent. He practically does not hunt.

If the target is only large specimens, you will most likely miss out on a catch.

Some bodies of water will require a lot of patience and endurance before you can catch a pike. I would recommend that you look into the pool in advance and, if there is an opportunity, talk to local fishermen. If you choose the right fishing time and place, the catch is guaranteed. Pike fishing in summer most promising early morning and late evening.

When you go fishing, you need to be aware of the behavior of fish when the weather changes. So, before and after the thunderstorm pike always very actively looking for prey. It also holds up well in light rain.

Optimal weather conditions for pike fishing

The pike is an active predator, but in most cases the pike's behavior is highly dependent on weather conditions. Due to constant changes in pressure, it becomes passive, reducing the chances of capture to almost zero.

Rainy, cloudy weather is a perfect combination for pike fishing. This is due to several factors. First, the small inhabitants of the reservoir, which are prey for pike, react to prolonged rains with a sharp decrease in activity and become an easy dinner for predatory fish.

Secondly, rain reduces visibility in the water, so it is possible to catch even with such bait, which normally does not arouse the interest of a predator.

Pike like long but light rains. Heavy rains will adversely affect baiting.

The most important factor for pike baiting, depending on the height of the pressure column, is not so much its increase or decrease, but its stability. Constant changes in pressure adversely affect fishing. It doesn't matter if you are catching a predator or a peaceful fish.

Increased pressure initially increases the activity of predators, but further pressure increases dramatically reduce the motivation of fish to hunt. High indicators are a bad sign for the fisherman, but their stability after some time returns the activity of the fish.

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