Carp Fishing With Feeder

Karšių žvejyba

If we throw out the preparation phase and catch anywhere, feed anything, we'll probably be limited to catching small halflings or roaches. Carp fishing with a feeder from the shore is characterized by a careful preparation period.

There's no rush - often bream the point is approached several hours after the start of fishing, as a food-saturated area is formed in the baiting zone. At the beginning of fishing, small fish are usually caught - the fisherman must wait for the arrival of large fish and do not miss this moment to add an animal component to the feeder in abundance. This is necessary so that the bream, having stuck its head into the point, remains feeding and does not leave. Carp fishing is a difficult activity and without preparation you will not be able to get a good result. It is also necessary to know the way of life of the bream itself, which you can find out after reading this article of mine on bream.

Site preparation

Carp fishing with a feeder in the river and other water bodies begins with site preparation. There is no need to rush - the bream will not go anywhere. The goal of the fisherman is to prepare a feast for the bream in the right place, which also needs to be found. Therefore, you don't need to immediately throw a fishing rod and try to catch - you need to prepare everything first. We provide stands, a chair, a platform, an overturned bucket to sit on - every fisherman has his own equipment. This is the main tip for beginners in feeder bream fishing - take your time and do things gradually.

Carp fishing

Bait preparation

There is no single recipe - different options work for each body of water at different times of the year. These can be mixtures of store-bought baits, as well as home-cooked porridge. Bait composition and working with it is the key to feeder fishing. Big bream will only be caught on a feeder if everything is done correctly. All the main secrets of bream fishing are based on working with the bait, the composition of the bait and working in the feeding area.

  • Bait for bream should be large fractions. In cold water, bream feed less, so it is advised to use less coarse fraction in the bait.
  • It is recommended to additionally add baits of animal origin to the feeder - wild boar, minnow, pink, cutworm.
  • In early spring and late autumn, for passive fish, the feed fraction should be used very carefully, in doses, so as not to overfeed. We feed a lot in the summer - large bream eat a lot and with an appetite, like a piglet.
  • Be sure to mix the baits you use on the hook into the bait.
  • In summer, the best aromas are sweet, fruity. These are cinnamon, strawberries and others. Karshi likes sweet bait.

Bream need a heavy bait so that it does not create a cloud of feed dust when cast to the point - this kind of bait will attract the bream faster. Stronger currents require a stickier mix.

After the bait is mixed, it needs to stand for 30 minutes to an hour to swell. When a well-prepared bait is squeezed, it sticks together in a ball and crumbles easily with the help of your fingers.

Paruoštas jaukas karšiui
Ready bait for bream

Point selection for fishing

In many rivers, the terrain is not particularly expressive - there are no obvious slopes, and the bottom is uniform. In such places it is necessary to examine the bottom more carefully by pulling the weight of the marker. The aim is to find areas of shells, areas of hard bottom between soft bottoms, areas with plants, local pits or bumps. The same applies to lakes.

Taško pasirinkimas žvejybai
Point selection for fishing

Starting point feeding

After choosing a point, choosing a landmark on the other side of the bank and determining the distance with the help of a reel clip (for accurate casting), we choose a feeder. By experimenting with the weight and type of feeder, we ensure that it is not carried away by the current (if fishing in a river).

Once you have the equipment, you can start working with the point. We fill the feeder with bait and throw it to the point, wait a couple of minutes, shake it and repeat the process. I usually throw 5-7 feeders for starter baiting. Summer is possible and more. After the initial feeding, we put the leash and start fishing.

Šėrkla su jauku
Salt with bait

Carp fishing

It is unlikely that an amateur fisherman will have kilograms of wild or pink. There are usually few such baits. Therefore, we mainly throw in corn or peas, but sometimes also pieces of wild or pink. Sometimes a live boar does not attract bream (especially a passive one), so we use a drowned boar - for this we need to fill it with water and wait 30 minutes until the boars stop moving. You can buy immediately drowned wild boar and have a separate jar with them.

For beginners, the main task is to understand the fishing process and feel the "pulse". For example, if a minnow is constantly baiting, but suddenly the baiting is over, this is a signal that a large fish came to the point and scared away the minnow. Now the main task is to keep the big fish on point. This will help to make live baits in the bait.

Carp baiting is usually a smoother and stronger bending of the feeder tip. If there are many empty baits during fishing, we change the length of the leash, the size of the hook, the feeder.

This is the other side of active feeder fishing - constant work with equipment. We are looking for the most suitable option in the current fishing conditions.

Karšių žvejyba feederiu
Carp fishing with a feeder

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