How to Ensure Long-Lasting Fishing Equipment?

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It doesn't matter if you are a professional fishing a guide hoping to gain regular customers or an amateur angler who likes to fish alone, the rules for maintaining fishing equipment apply equally. Keeping your fishing equipment in good condition is a top priority if you want to have a productive and enjoyable fishing experience, and your wallet will thank you. So, below are some tips on how to take care of your fishing gear.

Check your fishing gear regularly

When the day's fishing is over, it's easy to forget. Or when you're just getting ready to go fishing, when the excitement of being at a body of water overwhelms you and everything else falls by the wayside. However, checking your equipment often enough will prevent major problems in the long run.

Think about the equipment. It's a key component of your fishing arsenal, but it's never completely secure. Sand, dust, bait residue from your hands and many other things both under and above the water can cause a lot of damage. At the end of the day, clean your fishing equipment until the next time you fish again. For example, using white spirit, you can easily remove dirt and other impurities.

Clean with fresh water only

At the end of a busy day of fishing - especially in saltwater - it is essential to clean your gear using fresh water. Clean your rod and reel, and focus more on lures, hooks and lures. Oil or soap and even a spare toothbrush to scrub them will come in handy.

If you notice that the feathers on the shiners are not as fluffy as before, apply a little oil to them before fishing next time. In addition, it is very important to lubricate other parts of your equipment. Think how easy it will be to spin the reel! If you are worried that the smell of the oil may scare away the fish, we suggest choosing unscented oils. You can definitely find them in fishing tackle stores.

Dry the fishing equipment thoroughly

For those who take care of their equipment regularly and know what to do, this may sound silly. However, it's surprising how many people forget to dry their equipment after cleaning it! Water causes any metal to rust. And rust is very harmful to fishing equipment. Therefore, it goes without saying that you should dry the equipment so that it does not start to rust.  

After rinsing, dry the equipment with a clean cloth or paper towel - this should be enough. Before putting the equipment back in its place, let it sit for a few minutes and give it another quick look to make sure everything is really dry.

Keep fishing equipment in a warm place

Just getting into the car doesn't mean that equipment care ends here. There are many tips you can follow at home to ensure the longevity of your fishing equipment. And nothing is more important than finding her the right home. This is especially true at the end of the season or any time you plan to hide your equipment for a while.

Keeping your equipment in a warm place is essential to prevent rust, as this will help prevent moisture and condensation. The best places are closets in bedrooms, etc. However, if this cannot be done, at least store the equipment in a place where there are no large temperature fluctuations. Avoid basements, garages and areas close to exterior walls unless they are well insulated and warm.

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Fishing equipment

Loosen and clean the coils

Getting back to the point of fishing gear maintenance, there's still a lot you can do with your reels to ensure their longevity. This step may seem unnecessary, since reels are not as often left unprotected (as other fishing tackle), but they are an extremely important piece of equipment that needs to be taken care of as well.

Be sure to loosen the spool line at the end of each day to avoid unnecessary tension. As with proper storage, this is especially important at the end of the season. Then repeat the same procedure as with glitter and baits - keep them clean.

Reels have many hard-to-reach areas that may not be able to be dried with a rag or paper towel, so some anglers suggest using a hair dryer in this case. Before packing everything up, add a little specialist oil for extra care. After all, you don't want the line to get stuck in the spool!

Finally, about fishing rods

In closing this article, I would like to emphasize the importance of keeping the rod in good condition. After all, it is the most important weapon in your fishing arsenal, which is actually quite fragile.

First, follow all of the guidelines mentioned above when cleaning and drying your rod. However, unlike other fishing tackle, you will want the rod to have its own special place and position. Special rod holders are important to ensure the safety of the rod.

Also, be careful with your fishing rod. Try not to bump or otherwise damage it, so be careful when casting your rod from a boat or even a bridge when fishing from shore. Also, remember to wax your rod joints regularly to prevent chafing. And when cleaning the fishing rod shaft, rinse it under water.

Now you are ready to fish for a long time! Many of these fishing gear maintenance tips will take just a few extra minutes at the end of each fishing day, or just half an hour at the end of the season. This small investment is well worth it as it can extend the life of your fishing equipment. If you're a fishing guide, you'll have happy customers who know you take care of your gear. And if you fish on your own, you will regularly save money on expensive purchases, and the equipment will also work better. If you put in a little work, your efforts will pay off big!

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