My first feeder fishing


First feeder fishing. Yes, you read that right. A hardcore spinner with a #feeder in his hands. Actually, I wanted to try the feeder and its intricacies for a long time, but I still wasn't ready to buy it. And finally - it's in my hands! Of course, it's not complete without fun in the first fishing sessions. 🙂 I will tell you briefly:

First feeder fishing

After receiving everything and tying the "InLine" system, i.e. the feeder on the lead, the spinner and the leash (that's how it seemed to me that it should be tied), I went for the first fishing. It's clear to ask why I didn't look at how to tie it correctly in the beginning. The answer is simple - we do it, break it, then read the instructions 😀 Great happiness overshadowed common sense. As you can already understand, nothing was caught when caught, everything was spinning and spinning, etc.

Second fishing

After realizing that the "InLine" system is somehow not what it should be, I started googling. The first video and of course I find myself at Korsok's lesson. I study, practice and go to the second fishing. I find myself near the water, the system is good, it doesn't tangle, I'm already happy. But another problem arises. The body of water is in the form of a cliff. 10m from the shore and already 15m deep. More to come. You need to wait a good 15 seconds until the feeder lands on the bottom. After trying closer or further along the shore from the shore in 5 hours than one bait. The second fishing is a gap.

Third fishing

I took this fishing a little more seriously. I thought that quite a lot of nonsense needs to be caught at least something. Although a super cockroach. I chose the pool more carefully. After the moments of spinning, I remembered that the Elektrėnai lagoon is literally littered with bottom fishing enthusiasts. Driving For the first few hours there was sadness in his eyes. There are no baits. Although I can hear the sirens beeping on the neighboring shores. And this means that the problem is not in the lake, it really is. I started experimenting. Shorter leash, smaller hook. I changed the worm to a wild one. And here it is finally! The monkey (I named it correctly, I hope, if you fix something) rises! Kimba! Undercut (undercut like a real spinner from the shoulder 😀 this place will need to be fixed) is there! The first half-warmer (I can be wrong here too, don't be angry and forgive me :D) ended up on the shore. The mood is uplifted, I got a rush of adrenaline. Let's go on! We install the feeder, put the bait and shoot into the distance (so that no one listens, I put on the clip so that I fish around the same place 😀 but the casting is limp, I have never fished with such a long rod). I get the second bait about a good hour later and it's already half past two on the shore. This is how my first successful fishing with the #feeder ended. Waiting in a few days a trip to the cabin by the lake where I hope I can also fish. And maybe even twist the video 🙂 No worries!

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