Brown Trout Resources in Lithuania

Upėtakis Lietuvoje

Status of the current population of trout

Speckled trout a valuable fish of the Salmonidae family. In small, clean cold-water streams, it is one of the dominant fish species and forms the nucleus of the community. In Lithuania, brown trout can be found in more than 180 rivers and streams. The largest populations of brown trout are found in: Nemunas (20 tributaries), Neris (17), Žeimenos (11), Merkis (26), Minijos (12), Veiviržo (11), Dubysos (9), Ventos (6), Bartuvos (5) ) and Verknė (3) basins (Investigations of the condition of passing fish in Lithuanian rivers, 2010, 2011, 2012).

These are species that are currently not listed in the Lithuanian Red Book, but their populations can be easily damaged and may be classified as endangered species in the future. The order establishes that the restoration of protected fish species resources is financed from the state budget and other funds. The subsection of the Trakai Vokė of the Fisheries Service is adapted to the breeding of brown trout and 5 brown trout. Trout (Salmo trutta) live in the rivers of Lithuania, which are characterized by 2 forms according to their lifestyle: anadromous - passerby (slag) and sedentary form - trout. In open salmon-type streams, both forms are usually found - passersby (slags) and sedentary trout, while in isolated parts of such streams only trout are usually sedentary. Their abundance and distribution depends on the size of the rivers and the amount of dams on them.

Neris pool

Trout are very rarely found in the Neris River, usually one other individual was caught. In 2014, no trout were caught at the monitoring stations. In the medium-sized tributaries of the Neris, the abundance of trout is also traditionally not high, as they are dominated by slag: in Vilnius - 0.9 ind/100m2, in Vokė - 0.4 ind/100m2, while in the smaller rivers - the Musė and Kena rivers, the abundance of trout is average - 2, 4 units/100m2. The following tributaries of the Neries river stood out from the small streams studied in abundance of trout: high abundance - Žalesa, Riešė 8-9 ind/100m2, medium - Nemenčia, Bražuolė, Dūkšta, Veršupis, Laukysta and Lomena - 3-6 ind/100m2, low - Saidė, Bezdonė , Žiežmara and Lomena 0.5-2 ind/100m2.

Catching brown trout

According to the 2019 Regulation on the introduction of fish and crayfish into state water bodies. 1.56 million is intended to be implemented in the draft plan. eels, 3 million pike, 1.2 million fertilizers, 180 thousand salmon, 125 thousand slag, 200 thousand brown trout, 30 thousand bream and other fish. Aquaculture in state water bodies is carried out by the Fisheries Service under the Ministry of the Environment according to the programs approved by the Ministry of the Environment and coordinated with the Ministry of the Environment.
300,000 has already been allocated this year. euros to purchase fish from private aquaculture companies. With these funds, it is planned to purchase about 200 thousand. raised juvenile pike, several thousand white grass carp and mottled broadhead.
Breeding of fish will begin in April-May and continue until November. Scientific research data confirm that the funds allocated to increase and protect fish resources are used rationally. Over the past 5 years, the total fish biomass in the lakes has increased on average by about 1.5 times, in the Kaunas lagoon - about 4 times. (according to environment ministry data).

margųjų upėtakių

What conclusions can we draw? A lot of attention is paid to the maintenance of water bodies. There is also a significant increase in the number of amateur fishermen who kill poachers. At the same time, the culture of fishermen is also changing. If earlier everyone took the maximum allowed limit for one fisherman, now many limit themselves to smaller catch quantities. And he thinks not only how to catch, but also how to preserve and less harm the caught fish, which will be released to grow further. Thus contributing to the improvement of trout resources. Let's start changing ourselves and there will be more fish!
No scales!

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