Spring Trout Fishing. A Good Beginning, But No End

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I was out fishingand trout. In short, it's crap.

And for those who want to read more about trout fishing, please sit down and make yourself more comfortable. The forecasters promised a beautiful Sunday - they didn't lie. The weather is really nice and warm. The sun is shining outside +10. In the jungles of Lithuania, there is practically no wind. I didn't even pay attention to it. We thought for a long time which section of the river to choose, upstream or downstream. And at the last minute we decide to go upstream. The reason is simple: We know that the river began to be strongly pressed by fishermen, especially in the lower reaches, and probably more than one person passed it on both Friday and Saturday. For the least pressed section, we drive upstream. And here seems to have been our fatal mistake.

Trout fishing starts around 9 o'clock in the morning. We travel by the river. The first pits. Casting, passing, and here the professor rises from the bottom, taps the wobbler and, showing his fat yellow belly, sinks down. I try all the arsenal I have - zero emotions. We spit and move on. The mood is uplifted - a good start with half the work. Turn after turn follows - quiet calm. There were rarely baits in the meadow section from practice, so we are waiting for the forest section. The festival will definitely start there. We barely make it to the stretch of forest where the good trout fishing spots should start. The first holes are empty. Prospective turns - empty. The straight one with a hole and a stone is empty. One hour - two enthusiasm fades. The forest stretch is also coming to an end. After resting, we consult and decide that it is not worth wasting time. We get together and don't talk.

Even though the fish outing was not recorded. A half day in the Lithuanian jungle was well spent. Fresh air, sunbathing, amazing views. Nature is waking up, ticks are already running, but there are no mosquitoes yet. Thanks to those who endured the essay until the end. See you soon! I want to give the trout revenge!

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