First fishing with a new feeder

Žvejyba nauju feederiu

As the weather warms up, the whitefish are slowly starting to move as well. There are many photos with impressive bream in the groups. So without waiting for anything, I went to the lake with a new feeder. Those who regularly read my posts probably remember that I chose a new feeder. And those who missed it can read here. So, after analyzing everything, I started looking for a place to hold them in my hand. Okuma salitron feeder was the first to come into my hands.
The first impression was very good. Comfortable handle, fits comfortably in the hand, light. After touching it, I decided to go to the Salmo store to look at the Salmo Elite feeder. But I was disappointed in the store when they told me that its production has been discontinued and they don't have it in the store. So fate itself determined the choice.

The first casts with the new feeder

After arriving at the lake, I started preparing for fishing with a new feeder. The lack of experience forces me to make very stupid and unnecessary mistakes... I hurried to fill the bait in the first row. Grabbing the dark, cannabis-scented feed, I scooped it into the bucket. Having forgotten my small bucket with which I used to scoop water to moisten the feed, I decided not to freeze my hands and scoop with the whole bucket. Of course, this scooping led to the fact that I took too much water... The feed was like mush... So what to do? I am glad that my colleague had a kilo of feed after adding additional dry bait and after mixing everything well, the feed became similar to working feed. And after a little standing and swelling, it became even better. I was lucky... After choosing the distance, I started to make myself comfortable. I do the standard feeding for the first time - 5 feeders and ten in the summer. I put the bait on the hook and cast. We are waiting. Since the fish are not yet fully active, I decide to cast every 10-15 minutes. The first hour is empty. And my colleague has a few roaches on the shore. I make a few more passes - empty.

Kuoja pagauta su nauju feederiu

I decide to change the distance. A slope of 6.5 meters begins near the shore, and further on, a similar table is more or less everywhere 6-6.5 meters. I thought that the fish does not want to go on the table and rubs itself, somewhere near the slope, so that if necessary it can quickly hide in the reeds. I reduce the distance to about 10-15 meters and lay the bait near the end of the slope. Since you can throw bait here and from your hand, I give one ball to lure the fish. And I don't change the frequency of rerolls. The first baits appeared after a good half hour and lasted for about an hour from ~09:30 to 10:30 in the morning. The basis was a small roach, which preferred to hang on the roach and ignored the roach and the roach. But one mother roach couldn't resist trying my bait either. The scale showed 430g.

These are my first steps on the path of a feeder. Before comfortable fishing with a feeder, I still have a few purchases to make, but I will tell you all about it in the process. No scales!

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