Targeted Fishing. How to (Not) Catch What You Want?

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All fishermen have a purpose when they go fishing. Some go to catch perch, others pike, third trout. But have you ever caught yourself thinking that it's time to change something? Target fishing is what you need. After all, very often we get stuck in the circle of everyday life without even noticing it. Fishing no exception. We prepare all winter equipment, lures, clothing. We are looking forward to our first fishing trip with impatience and excitement. Dreaming about where and what baits we will use, what kind of fishing we will do. What color will we use if it's a sunny day or vice versa - cloudy. You seem to think everything through to the smallest detail. You put everything in its place. Wait…

Day X. Fishing begins!

And here, the long-awaited day has finally dawned X during which the target begins fishing. Most often, that day is immediately after the ban (spawning). Or any other day. Although it is a long-awaited weekend after a working week. My day X, which I want to tell you about, started exactly after the work week.

I watched the weather every day all week. Because, as it should be, the best weather is on weekdays. And just days off - rain, wind, squalls, hurricanes and all other antics of nature (those who fish understand what I'm talking about). But this time I'm lucky. Saturday is sunny, there is no promise of rain. Small wind gusts ~10 m/s. Since I will be fishing in the river, it is not terrible - the forest will cover it. And here I am already on my way to a colleague who will be a guide and take me around the known places for perch. Yes, you read that right, this time I was looking for perch and not trout (as much as I love them).

When we arrive at the river, we pick it up spinning, I retie the fluorocarbon leash. I put on a weight, a rubber band and go searching! First place. The first baits also appear. The first fish is unhooked without even seeing what is hooked. Well, nothing, offset, happens. Another good half hour later BAM, something more serious at the other end. Pressure to the bottom. A few shakes of the head. Well, I think it will be a nice hump. I pull, the pressure continues, but already weaker. A colleague rushes to help. When zoomed in, a SHAPAL appears. A big, gorgeous SHAPAL, which I least expected in this fishery. Let's weigh the big guy, he has already grown almost one and a half kilograms of muscle. A few photos and let's continue to grow. This is how the first acquaintance with shad turned out. A colleague promised to spend the summer training in shad fishing cranks. So I'm looking forward to a summer of targeted fishing for these fish, when they've recovered their full strength. And for you, dear readers, I suggest you watch the video.
See you later!

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