Trout season ended before it started


It is clear from the title of the post that trout season 2019 year was not what I expected and wanted. Of course, you can start to reassure yourself that the year (season) was not the easiest. Many events and changes in personal life and work. In addition, the summer was one of the hottest I can remember. So my beloved trout took a back seat. BUT. There is no such thing as bad that cannot turn out to be good.

Trout season 2019

Like every year the season I started at the end of January at the beginning of February. Why so late? After all, the insurance ends on January 1. Everything is simple. I like to fish comfortably. Ring scraping from ice cream, wooden fingers from cold, wind blowing snow in the face does not tempt you to go fishing at all. Especially as you know that you will have to cut several kilometers along the river and overcome several obstacles. Therefore, I choose more favorable weather for fishing. And the most favorite time - spring. When nature wakes up. Well, let's get back to the topic. This year, it was very late to catch the first trout. It was impossible to hold a winter trout in my hands. And the first colorful friend said hello at the end of April. When last year (2018) I managed to scratch out more than one fringe even in the winter. Well, it's a shame to even talk about this year's summer. A trip to the moose hunting can be counted on the fingers of one hand. During those outings, I managed to catch a few trout, but it really wasn't enough to improve my own record. And the closing of the season is completely missed. Well, they got it as they got it. You need to move forward and start preparing already for the new season.

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