Trout Fishing in May. The Evil Professor Opened the Season!

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Here, full-fledged trout fishing took place in May. And not just by myself, but with the professor in hand! After taking a day off on Wednesday, I still couldn't decide where to go fishing. Pike on tires, feeder from the bank and opening of trout are on my mind. The weather was good for all fishing. At one point I had already decided to go to the lake to look for pike from the boat, but at the last moment I changed my mind and chose trout fishing. Since trout fishing in May is one of my favorite forms of fishing, this probably determined my choice. And as time has shown - not in vain. Because one

Searching for trout in the stream

The first hour of fishing showed that the trout are already in summer mode. Stands in rapid pits and turns. So there is no point in wasting time on slow sections of the river. I concentrated on the bends, holes and hard to reach spots because the creek is frequented by anglers and all the easier spots are sure to be checked and the trout in them will be very timid and passive.

In the middle of the stretch I see a very nice trout exit in one nice hole. The first time he did not give the bait. I give a little for trout to breathe and regain strength. One more throw - empty, no way out. The third shot - a little further beyond the professor's hole - is there! A trout of amazing beauty and size hangs. Gives quite a bit of resistance, but still falls for me in the grab. A few photos and poses for the camera and I let him live and grow back in his house.

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Trout fishing

With the indescribable with joy and I travel further with a burst of adrenaline. In the afternoon, having already reached the second stretch of the river, I see another beautiful place. A large stone under which a hole has been washed. Toss and I see another professor leave! Again I decide to wait a bit and let the trout return to its hole and recover its strength after the unsuccessful attack. The second, third throw is empty. Probably did not like the bait - I change the wobbler, zero reaction. I "jumped" around the hole for about half an hour, but I never provoked an attack. I decide not to waste any more time and travel further. Let the trout grow even bigger and I will come back to him next time!

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