Worm Fishing – How to Catch This Mysterious Fish

Vėgėlių Žvejyba

Vegelė belongs to the cod family. It is the only species of the cod family that lives in fresh water. The weight of the cod can reach twenty kilograms or even more, and its length is up to one and a half meters. The color is yellowish-gray, mottled with spots. In winter, the cod spawns from December to February, in summer it is passive, and it can be caught most successfully in autumn and spring, when the water is cold. In autumn, the fish begins to actively feed from the second half of September until the formation of ice. In spring, as soon as the ice melts, the predator begins hunting, which lasts until the end of May. Let's try to understand how cod fishing takes place in this article.

Fishing spots for vendace

The most important thing in fishing for bream is to find its habitats and that “magical path” along which it goes out to hunt every day at dusk. Searching for such places can take a lot of time and effort, but if you manage to find them, you will not be left without a catch. Once you find the “secret” place, you can fish there for many years until the terrain of the reservoir changes radically and the fish leave that place.

Of course, the easiest and least-effortless way is to get to know an experienced angler who knows such places. But will he be willing to share his locations?

For a true walleye fishing enthusiast, it can be even more exciting to find the fish yourself and enjoy the result. To start your search, you need to know the theoretical places where walleye can live and feed.

The sedge prefers clean, flowing water. It is not worth looking for it in a river with a muddy bottom or in stagnant water. The best habitats:

  • sandy or pebble bottom with large stones
  • rocky sections with obstacles (branches, stumps)
  • deep places with running water, near which there are shallows

The wrasses are often found behind shelters that provide protection from the current.

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The bream is a bottom-dwelling fish, so you need to choose the right bait. It rarely appears in shallows, unless they are protected from the open current. You won't catch the bream in the main current either, because there, due to the strong current, it rarely finds suitable hiding places. The bream feeds on what it finds on or near the bottom, so its main diet consists of bottom fish and other animal food.

  • The main food of the wrasse is fish, especially bottom-dwelling species.
  • Young wrasses feed on smaller food because they are not yet able to hunt larger fish. They feed on frogs, crayfish, and fish eggs.
  • The wrasse often feeds on carrion found on the bottom, which is one of the reasons why it is considered unpretentious in its diet. For this reason, the wrasse is often called "sanitary".

Vegelė It hunts passively. It slowly approaches its potential prey, opens its wide mouth and simply sucks in its prey. Due to this hunting method, it usually catches slow, injured or calm fish lying on the bottom.

What bait is most commonly used in walleye fishing?

  • Earthworms: A very popular and effective choice.
  • Fish: Good results are achieved by using live fish as bait, such as small smelt, roach, roach, bream or even small perch.
  • Chicken meat: A very effective bait is chicken liver.
  • Exotic baits: Some fishermen even use baits such as squid and shrimp.

The bream is not picky about baits, so you can experiment with different options. Sometimes even the least promising baits bring success.

Tips for those preparing for walleye fishing

  • You shouldn't try to specifically catch a walleye with a spinning rod, as it will be a waste of time. In this case, you will be more likely to get caught. pike or scum, not sedgeHowever, when catching pike or sturgeon, a bream can be a nice bonus.
  • Usually, the bream can be caught in the same places as other predatory fish. Therefore, it is worth expecting that the bream can hide among branches or snags, in sandy areas with complex bottom relief, as well as in deep riverbed pits or rocks.
  • When planning to fish for bream, preference should be given to baits such as live fish or large clumps of worms.
  • The more rods you cast, the higher your chances of catching this fish. But remember, you can't exceed fishing regulations regulations.
  • You should not put a bream on a kukan because, compared to a pike or sturgeon, it does not have a strong cartilaginous jaw. The bream can easily tear its mouth open and escape.
  • Fishing for bream is not easy, so medium-sized fish weighing up to 2 kg are usually caught.

It is also worth remembering that the bream can feed on dead fish, and for this reason, many fishermen do not specifically catch it, as sometimes an unpleasant-smelling fish can be pulled out of the water, which not everyone would want to cook at home or eat.

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