Fishing Rules

žvejybos taisyklės

Fishing Rules Chapter I

General provisionsFishing rules

1. The rules of amateur fishing in inland waters (hereinafter - the Rules) determine the objects, tools, methods, regime, organization of amateur fishing, and regulate other activities related to amateur fishing in inland waters.

2. Fishing rules do not apply to amateur fishing in the Baltic Sea and private artificial water bodies.

3. When carrying out limited fishing, fishing Rules, apply to the extent specified in the legal acts regulating limited fishing. When the aim is to improve the ecological condition of water bodies, by implementing the implementation action plan of the Water Area Development 2017-2023 program, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania in 2017. May 5 by order no. D1-375/3D-312 "On the approval of the action plan for the implementation of the Water Area Development Program for 2017-2023", Fishing Rules apply to the extent specified in Annex 7 of the Rules. Amateur fishing in protected areas is regulated by legal acts specified in the Law on Protected Areas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Fishing Rules Chapter II


4. Concepts used in the Fishing Rules:

4.1. a kiss to catch crayfish - trap no longer than 100 cm, no wider than 50 cm and no higher than 50 cm;

4.2. one fishing - amateur fishing or limited fishing from the person's arrival to fishing until the end of fishing;

4.3. fisherman's ticket - amateur fishing permit, which gives a natural person the right to fish in state fisheries water bodies, which are not used as fishing areas and where amateur fishing is not prohibited according to the legislation regulating amateur fishing, and an amateur fisherman's card is not required for such fishing;

4.4. fishing hobby card - amateur fishing permit, which grants the right to fish in the state water body specified in it, where limited fishing is carried out.

4.5. Other terms used in these Fishing Rules are understood as they are defined in the Law on Amateur Fishing of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Fisheries of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Water of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating amateur fishing.

Fishing Rules Chapter III


5. At the same time, no more than 5 kisses or scoops can be used for catching crayfish and 4 other amateur fishing tools, including no more than 2 tools (in the Curonian Lagoon - 3 tools) used for fishing using fish as bait. When fishing from a water vehicle, one angler can use no more than 2 rods at a time, except when fishing from a water vehicle stopped by an anchor or other means. The total number of hooks used at the same time cannot exceed 6 units, with the exception of fishing for pike and bream, where the total number of hooks can be 12 units.

When catching flounder off the ice, all fish other than flounder caught are immediately released into the same body of water. A double or treble hook is considered one. There is no limit to the number of scoops and scoops for the fishing of striped and marked crayfish, these crayfish are also allowed to be caught by hand and with grabs, but all broad-mouthed, narrow-mouthed crayfish or fish caught during such fishing must be immediately released into the same body of water.

6. During one fishing session, it is allowed to catch 1 catfish, no more than 2 units of sablefish, tench, 3 units of pike, sturgeon, eel, brown trout, bream, no more than 5 units of bream, shad, mackerel (the total amount of fish specified in this point cannot exceed 5 units), no more than 50 units of narrow-gilled crayfish (except for striped and marked crayfish, the catch quantity and size of which are not limited). The total weight of fish caught during one fishing trip cannot exceed 5 kg, and in the Curonian Lagoon - 7 kg, excluding pike, the quantity of which is allowed to be caught is not limited, the weight of the last fish caught, and except in cases where the weight of one fish exceeds the norm set in this point.

Every person engaged in recreational fishing must keep his catch separately from the catch of other persons, the catch does not include fish included in the list of invasive species in Lithuania, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in 2004. August 16 by order no. D1-433 "On Approval of the List of Invasive Species in Lithuania" (hereinafter - the List of Invasive Species), and fish that are caught alive are immediately released back into the water body. Fish kept in nets or by other means restricting their free movement in the water body are counted as catches. For all fish in the catch, caught in violation of the legislation governing recreational fishing, regardless of their viability, the damage to fish resources is calculated.

7. It is allowed to catch bait fish and mosquito larvae with one net scoop for catching bait, the diameter of which is not more than 1 meter, the meshes of the net - not more than 10 mm. It is also allowed to catch mosquito larvae with other gear that cannot catch fish or crayfish. During one fishing trip, one fisherman is allowed to catch no more than 30 pieces of crucian carp, roach, perch and other types of juvenile fish, except for predatory fish, fish listed in clauses 11.1-11.3 of the Regulations, in the list of protected fish and crayfish species, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in 1999 . March 31 by order no. 84 "Regarding the list of protected fish and crayfish species", listed fish. In water bodies of less than 100 ha, which are used as fishing grounds, it is allowed to catch mosquito larvae only with the consent of the user of the fishing area, with an amateur fishing permit issued by him, which specifies the right to catch mosquito larvae.

8. During the amateur fishing competition, the restrictions specified in Clause 6 of the Rules may not be observed (if after the competition, each fisherman returns to the same body of water fish that exceed the amount of fish allowed to be caught during one fishing trip) upon receipt of written agreement from:

8.1. of the Department of Environmental Protection under the Ministry of the Environment (hereinafter - AAD) - in state water bodies for which fishing area use permits have not been issued;

8.2. of the user of the fishing area - in state water bodies for which permits to use the fishing area have been issued. The user of the fishing area must coordinate the fishing conditions with the AAD;

8.3. state park directorates (additionally), if the water body is located in the territory of the state park.

9. Prohibited activities:

9.1. fishing using electricity, poisonous or explosive substances, firearms or pneumatic weapons (except spearfishing guns), scuba diving and other autonomous breathing devices, shooting fish with spearguns from a boat, wading or walking along the coast, fishing with a spear, hook (when a fish is caught or caught with a hook or hook behind any part of the body, except for the head), in a striking manner, in two or more times the number of fishing gear or hooks allowed for use, using non-amateur fishing gear or removing it from water bodies, in places where the requirements of clause 9.3 are not met, in which fishing is prohibited or prohibited at that time, with tools or baits that are prohibited for fishing in that place at that time or without obtaining the right to fish with such tools and baits in violation of the requirements of clauses 11.1, 11.2 and 11.4 of the Rules, to fish for grayling, brown trout, smolt, salmon natural to catch other types of fish than narrow-gilled, marked and striped crayfish with original baits, hooks or scoops (hereinafter referred to as prohibited fishing methods);

9.2. to store or transport nets, fishing lines and non-amateur fishing gear (hereinafter - prohibited fishing gear), except in cases where these gear are used for commercial or special fishing or for scientific and educational purposes in accordance with the procedure established by legislation;

9.3. to remove fishing lines, nets and fish from non-amateur fishing bodies from water bodies. Persons who have noticed unmarked fishing gear in a water body, as established in the procedure for marking fishing gear, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in 2005. July 29 by order no. D1-383 "Regarding the approval of the description of the seal and the determination of the procedure for marking fishing gear" (hereinafter - the rules for marking fishing gear), prohibited fishing gear must be reported to AAD by phone 8(5) 273 2995 or the general number of the help center without removing them from the water 112;

9.4. use as bait animals included in the list of invasive species and fish listed in clauses 11.1-11.3 of the Rules;

9.5. carry out spearfishing without having a clearly visible buoy at the fishing site, use bifurcated or multi-pronged arrowheads for underwater fishing of fish other than eels;

9.6. to be in water bodies or closer than 25 m from them with recreational fishing gear, if fishing in those water bodies is prohibited or prohibited at the time, or without a recreational fishing permit granting the right to fish in that water body or free fishing rights, as well as being with underwater fishing equipment with rifles in water bodies or closer than 25 m from them, if spearfishing is not allowed in those water bodies;

9.7. sell fish caught by amateur fishing and products made from them;

9.8. to be in bodies of water on ice, when the condition of the ice poses a risk to human life or health, when a thin layer of ice forms, or when the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of the Environment announces the condition of the ice, which may pose a risk to human life or health.

10. Fishing is prohibited:

10.1. without a recreational fishing permit granting the right to fish in that body of water, except for persons with free fishing rights. July 6 and August 15 in all state water bodies where amateur fishing is not prohibited and where limited fishing is not organized, and in the water bodies of the Nemunas Delta Regional Park where amateur fishing is not prohibited, all persons have the right to fish for free;

10.2. prohibited fishing gear or methods;

10.3. using rubbers longer than 20 cm attached to amateur fishing gear;

10.4. narrow-mouthed crayfish with fishing gear or methods other than kisses and scoops for catching crayfish. All species of fish caught with these gears must be immediately released back into the same body of water;

10.5. salad using more than two baits;

10.6. closer than 10 m from net non-amateur fishing gear marked in the manner established by the Fishing Gear Marking Rules;

10.7. in fish passageways (in special facilities for fish migration through the dam) and closer than 100 m below the pond spillways (dams) located in the river sections that are included in the list of ecologically and culturally valuable rivers or their sections, approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in 2004. September 8 by resolution no. 1144 "On approval of the list of ecologically and culturally valuable rivers or their sections";

10.8. on the ice without the means to get out on the ice if broken - two spikes connected by a flexible connection;

10.9. from April 20 until May 20 in the 400 m zone around the Dabinta peninsula in the Kaunas lagoon;

10.10. from December 15 until January 15 In the Nemunas River from the mouth of the Gėgė River to the Jurbarkas Bridge and in the Nevėžio River from the mouth to the Babtė Bridge during the dark time of the day from sunrise to sunset (following the entries in the calendar);

10.11. throughout the year in the water bodies listed in Annex 1 of the Rules;

10.12. from September 16 until October 15 in the river sections specified in Annex 5 of the Rules;

10.13. from October 1 until December 31 in the rivers listed in Annex 2 of the Rules;

10.14. from September 16 until October 15 without an amateur fisherman's card or without a free fishing right in the river sections specified in Appendix 3 of the Rules, except for catching spotted and marked crayfish with sticks and scoops for catching crayfish;

10.15. from October 16 until December 25 In the river sections specified in Annex 4 of the Rules;

10.16. from September 16 until October 15 more than an hour after sunset or more than an hour before sunrise (according to the time specified in the calendar) (according to the time specified in the calendar) in the river sections specified in Appendix 3 of the Rules;

10.17. from July 1 until November 1 in the river sections specified in Annex 6 of the Rules;

10.18. from September 16 until December 25 In the river from the Žirmūnai Bridge to the Valakupiai Bridge in the city of Vilnius, using artificial baits or fish;

10.19. from January 1 until April 20 to fish for bait using fish (except for fishing in the Curonian Lagoon and fishing with a piece of fish);

10.20. from October 16 until December 25 in Šventoji river from Dagia mouth to Kavarska dam using artificial lures or fish;

10.21. in ponds at the time of their water release, when it is planned to completely release the water;

10.22. In the Vilnia River from the mouth to the Rokantiškii Dam with baits of natural origin and using more than one single-pronged hook;

10.23. In Neris, from sunrise to sunset (according to the time indicated in the calendar) from March 20. until April 20

11. It is prohibited to catch:

11.1. the following types of fish:

11.1.1. cross-sections (Chondrostoma nasus);

11.1.2. onions (Misgurnus fossilis);

11.1.3. sea anemones (Petromyzon marinus);

11.1.4. little girls (Lampetra planeri);

11.1.5. lamprey curls;

11.1.6. sharp-nosed sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus);

11.1.7. sterles (Acipencer ruthenus);

11.1.8. others living in water, to the list of protected animal, plant and mushroom species of the Republic of Lithuania, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in 2003. October 13 by order no. 504 "On the approval of the list of protected species of animals, plants and mushrooms of the Republic of Lithuania" (hereinafter - List of protected animals), registered animals, if amateur fisherman's cards have not been issued for their fishing;

11.2. in addition to the fisherman's cards, the following fish and crayfish:

11.2.1. salmon (Salmo salar);

11.2.2. slag (Salmo trutta trutta);

11.2.3. brown trout (Salmo trutta fario);

11.2.4. when (Coregonus lavaretus);

11.2.5. river lampreys (Lampetra fluviatilis);".

11.3. fish and crayfish smaller than the following sizes (fish are measured from the beginning of the snout to the end of the tail fin, crayfish - from the beginning of the tip of the head to the end of the extended tail plate):

11.3.1. catfish (Silurian glans) 75 cm;

11.3.2. salmon (Salmo salar) 65 cm;

11.3.3. slag (Salmo trutta trutta) 65 cm;

11.3.4. salad (Aspius aspius) 55 cm;

11.3.5. burdock root (Lotta lotta) 45 cm;

11.3.6. mustache (Beard beard) 45 cm;

11.3.7. fertilizer (Sander lucioperca), less than 50 cm and greater than 65 cm from 2024;

11.3.8. pike (Esox lucius), less than 50 cm and greater than 80 cm from 2024;

11.3.9. groin (Thymallus thymallus) 30 cm;

11.3.10. brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) from 2024 it is forbidden to take any size;

11.3.11. shad (Leuciscus cephalus) 30 cm;

11.3.12. girls (Leuciscus idus) 30 cm;

11.3.13. rope (Tinta tinta) 25 cm;

11.3.14. carp (Cyprinus carpio) 40 cm;

11.3.15. white carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) 40 cm;

11.3.16. mottled broadbills (Artistichtys nobilis) 40 cm;

11.3.17. narrow forceps crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) 10 cm.

11.4. the following fish and crayfish during the specified periods:

11.4.1. pike (Esox lucius) from February 1. until April 30;

11.4.2. fertilizer (Sander lucioperca) from March 1 until May 31;

11.4.3. salad (Aspius aspius) from April 1 until May 15;

11.4.4. groin (Thymallus thymallus) from March 1 until May 15;

11.4.5. brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) from October 1 until December 31;

11.4.6. when (Coregonus lavaretus) from October 1 until December 31;

11.4.7. burdock root (Lotta lotta) from December 15 until January 31;

11.4.8. grubs (Vimba vimba) from May 15 until June 15;

11.4.9. narrow-mouthed crayfish from October 15. until July 15;

11.4.10. bream (Abramis brama) from April 20 until May 20 in water bodies located in the territory of the Nemunas Delta Regional Park (except for bream fishing in polders);

11.4.11. catfish (Silurus glanis) from November 1 until April 1

12. Caught fish and crayfish smaller than specified in point 11, and fish that are prohibited to be caught or are currently prohibited to be caught, must be immediately released back into the same body of water.

13. In the Vilnia River from the mouth to the Rokantiškii dam and in Žeimena from the mouth to the Lakaja mouth, it is mandatory to release all caught bream, brown trout, salmon and smolt.

14. All prohibitions specified in points 10 and 11 are valid both on the first and last day of the specified term. When the first day of insurance is a weekend or a public holiday, the insurance becomes effective the day after the weekend or public holiday. The insurance is not valid on the last day of insurance if it is a weekend or public holiday.

15. Underwater fishing is prohibited in all state water bodies, except for:

15.1. limited fishing in the following water bodies:

AsveyaMolėtšvenčioniųUnderwater fishing is allowed in the part of the lake from Dubingiai Bridge to Žingiai Bridge
Huge (Many)Alytus 
MistsIgnalinaZarasuIn the part of the lake located in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania
sister in lawPraying 
ChickenVilkaviskisIn the part of the lake located in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania
Elektrėnai pondElektrėnai 
Fishing rules

15.2. Cases specified in point 16 of the rules.

16. Users of fishing areas in water bodies for which they have been issued permits to use the fishing area may allow underwater fishing, having entered this in the conditions of the amateur fishing permit, if these state water bodies do not fall within the boundaries of the state parks and their zones approved by the resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. zones of recreational functional priority.

Chapter IV of Fishing Rules


17. In private water bodies, fishing is carried out with the fishing tools, methods and baits permitted by the Rules or permitted to be used at the specified time, not exceeding the set amount of tools allowed to be used, and species of fish that are not prohibited to be caught by the Fishing Rules at the specified time. Fishing is permitted only during daylight hours (from sunrise to sunset), except when the owner of the water body allows fishing in the water body under his ownership during the dark hours of the day, indicating this in the recreational fishing permit. Fishing for listed invasive species is exempt from the closure period, but all other fish caught during such fishing must be immediately released into the same body of water. It is prohibited to catch fish species included in the List of Protected Animals. Fish on the List of Protected Animals caught by accident must be immediately released back into the same body of water.

18. Limited fishing in a private water body is organized in accordance with the description of the procedure for the organization and execution of limited fishing in inland waters, the establishment, publication and cancellation of limited fishing regulatory measures and conditions, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in 2012. December 31 by order no. D1-1128 "On the organization and execution of limited fishing in inland waters, and the approval of the description of the procedure for determining, publishing and canceling the regulatory measures and conditions of limited fishing".

19. In water bodies, which belong to the state and economic entities under joint partial ownership, fishing is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Fishing Rules fishing requirements in state water bodies.

Fishing Rules Chapter V


20. Persons engaged in recreational fishing must:

20.1. while fishing, to have and upon demand by environmental protection state control officers, part-time environmental protection inspectors, other officials who, according to the powers granted by law, have the right to carry out environmental protection state control, provide amateur fishing permit (electronic amateur fishing permit number) granting the right to fish in that body of water and a document allowing to determine the identity of a person, or a document confirming the right to fish for free;

20.2. ensure the cleanliness of the fishing area (except when fishing with a constant change of fishing area, spearfishing or fishing from a water vehicle):

20.2.1. before starting fishing and during fishing, collect all municipal waste within a radius of 5 m from the fishing place in bags or other containers;

20.2.2. at the end of fishing, take the collected municipal waste to the municipal waste collection containers;

20.3. after catching or finding tagged fish, report it to the AAD or the Fisheries Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. The notification shall include the place, date, time, fishing gear and bait used to catch the fish, and the tag number. If the fish is not released back into the body of water, the fish's weight, length (L) (from the beginning of the snout to the tip of the tail), sex, and a tag are added. Other information is also indicated (observed mechanical damage, signs of diseases, parasites, etc.).

21. Persons who have violated the Fishing Rules must compensate for the damage to fish resources, calculated in accordance with the description of the procedure for calculating damage to fish resources caused in inland waters, approved by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania in 2017. January 6 by order no. D1-27 "On the approval of the description of the procedure for calculating the damage caused to fish resources in inland waters".

22. If there is no owner or user of amateur fishing gear, the tools may be taken by environmental protection state control officers or other officials authorized by law until the owner or user is identified.

All fishing rules can be found at the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania on the website.

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