5 Interesting Facts About Fishing And Fish

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Since ancient times, the main task of man has been to obtain food for himself and his family, that is, gathering fruits, hunting and especially fishing. Fishing live as long as humans. For some it is a craft necessary for survival, and for someone it is a lifelong hobby. What is the history of fishing and fishing gear, what unusual types of fishing and what interesting facts can you tell me about it? This article presents the 5 most interesting facts about fishing that I managed to find in the depths of the Internet.

First Fact - The number of fish species is replenished by 400-500 new specimens every year (at least 200-250).

In total, more than 34 thousand were found and described. Fish species. That's more than all reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals combined.

Second Fact - Salmon spawn only in the river where they were born.

Salmon follow the sun and stars to reach the same river. In cloudy weather, they navigate according to their internal "compass". And near the shore, salmon can distinguish the taste of water and thus find "its" river.

Third Fact - In order to survive the family, some female fish can change sex in the event of the death of the male.

This property is typical for parrots for fish, for angel fish

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Two-colored parrotfish (Cetoscarus bicolor)
Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=293543

Fourth Fact - Indonesia, USA, Russia, China and Peru catch the most fish.

Chinese fishermen catch as much fish as their Indonesian, American and Russian counterparts combined!

Fifth Fact - No matter where it lives, the eel always swims to spawn ONLY in the Sargasso Sea!

Before this discovery, 100 years ago, the fish had been kept in captivity for decades without producing offspring. Turns out, at the age of 12 eels embarks on a long journey to the eastern shores of America. Having reached Sargasso Sea, they spawn and die. And their descendants, a little stronger, leave for Europe and go up the rivers to their parents' homes. Such a mysterious process of transferring genetic memory to children has not yet been scientifically explained.

In conclusion

Here are some interesting facts about fishing that I was able to find. Be sure to write in the comments which facts about fishing you liked the most or share your own! In the following article, we will review the largest fish that live on our wonderful planet!

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