4 min read 0

Interesting Facts About Trout

Hello dear readers. Trout is not a specific type of fish. It is a collective name for many species of freshwater and marine fish belonging to the Salmonidae family. This fish is found in three of the seven genera of the salmon family: [...]

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Best Time of Day for Pike Fishing Summer

The rest of the year you should focus on day fishing. For pike fishing in summer, it is much better to choose very early mornings and evenings or late evenings. In colder water, the oxygen content is always [...]

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Spring Fishing: How to Plan the Perfect Trip?

Spring fishing is just around the corner! For many fishermen, the end of winter is a time full of promise and excitement, as thoughts of spring fishing cross their minds like salmon in a babbling river! When planning spring fishing, [...]

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Flat Method Feeder - Fishing Tactics, Techniques, Features

Fishing Flat Method Feeder is an effective method of fishing for carp, crucian carp, bream and other fish in still water. In this way, you can also fish in rivers with a small current, but the flat method feeder is still more intended for stagnant water. In this article, you will learn how Flat Method Feeder fishing works, how to choose the right baits and how to…

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My Best Aliexpress Wobblers. TOP 5 Best

When fishermen talk about lures and mention aliexpress wobblers, a heated debate ensues. In my opinion, AliExpress wobblers are completely useless. I have tried several manufacturers. I can safely [...]

7 min read 0

Pike Fishing - How To Stay Catchless

Pike fishing is the most popular fishing method among anglers in our country. Pike fishing is popular both because of the wide distribution of this fish and because of the possibility of catching it all year round. Pike can be caught in various ways [...]

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Wobblers for Trout Fishing

Wobblers are one of the most popular baits in trout fishing. Their selection on store shelves is huge. Different colors, shapes, types. Whatever your heart desires, you will find everything. But another question arises. Do you need a large […]

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Oatmeal: What is it?

Oatmeal is a very popular fishing direction, which is constantly improving by bringing more and more fishermen to its ranks, new styles and methods that expand the angler's opportunities to catch various fish. Oatmeal is a silicone […]

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Okuma Obsidian: A New Reel for Carpenters

Okuma Obsidian - Obsidian is a type of mineral born in the very heart of planet Earth. It is of volcanic origin and is formed by the solidification of lava ejected from the depths of the earth to the surface. A stone created by volcanic […]

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Eel Fishing: How to Prepare for Fishing

Eel fishing is an unusual activity, the fish itself is very similar to a snake. The fish has a unique appearance and scientists have not yet studied the eel's habits. There are only a few species in the eel family that cannot be distinguished […]

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Starling fishing in Jigu

Fishing for starlings with a jig is a very popular and effective way to catch this predator. Starling jig fishing allows anglers to fish in hard-to-reach areas, fish effectively at great depths and around underwater obstacles, near [...]

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Pike Fishing in Autumn: Best Time of Day

Similar to spring, in autumn pike are fished from late morning to early afternoon. As night and day temperatures begin to equalize again, fall pike fishing slowly returns to daylight hunting and feeding. The colder the weather gets, the more they need daytime warming sun and milder temperatures to stay as active as possible,…

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Perch Fishing in Autumn: When, How and Where

Perch fishing in autumn is an interesting and delicate process. From September, the bass gather in flocks, sensing the approach of cold weather. They are in a hurry to gain fat and accumulate food reserves before wintering. […]

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Pike Fishing in Autumn with Big Lures

In this article, I will reveal what techniques I "employ" when catching pike with big baits in the fall. As soon as the weather cools down, I use a mobile approach to big bait fishing. When you decide to fish for predators, this time of year you may encounter […]