3 min read 0

Eel Fishing: How to Prepare for Fishing

Eel fishing is an unusual activity, the fish itself is very similar to a snake. The fish has a unique appearance and scientists have not yet studied the eel's habits. There are only a few species in the eel family that cannot be distinguished […]

2 min read 0

Starling fishing in Jigu

Fishing for starlings with a jig is a very popular and effective way to catch this predator. Starling jig fishing allows anglers to fish in hard-to-reach areas, fish effectively at great depths and around underwater obstacles, near [...]

4 min read 0

Pike Fishing in Autumn: Best Time of Day

Similar to spring, in autumn pike are fished from late morning to early afternoon. As night and day temperatures begin to equalize again, fall pike fishing slowly returns to daylight hunting and feeding. The colder the weather gets, the more they need daytime warming sun and milder temperatures to stay as active as possible,…

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Perch Fishing in Autumn: When, How and Where

Perch fishing in autumn is an interesting and delicate process. From September, the bass gather in flocks, sensing the approach of cold weather. They are in a hurry to gain fat and accumulate food reserves before wintering. […]

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Pike Fishing in Autumn with Big Lures

In this article, I will reveal what techniques I "employ" when catching pike with big baits in the fall. As soon as the weather cools down, I use a mobile approach to big bait fishing. When you decide to fish for predators, this time of year you may encounter […]

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Fishing for starlings with shiners

Starling fishing with shiners is not the most popular activity. The most popular open water starling fishing lures are all kinds of silicone lures. They have almost completely replaced other baits. However, silicone baits are not always and everywhere […]

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Starling Fishing in Autumn

Fishing for starlings in the fall is enjoyed by many spinners. The starfish becomes more active as the water cools, switching to increased feeding. To catch a starling, you only need to familiarize yourself with the specifics of starling fishing in the fall, relying on the knowledge of […]

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When is the best fishing pike

Every fisherman wants to know when a pike is caught. No one wants to go home empty-handed. Choosing the right gear is not the only factor that determines the success of pike fishing. There are many ingredients that influence baiting, such as: […]

5 min read 0

Bait for Karšiam - Composition and Characteristics of Bait

Properly selected bait for bream directly affects fishing efficiency. The composition, consistency of the mixture together with baits is an integral part of tactics and technique in bream fishing. In this article we will look at the features of feeding, how to make bait […]

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Night Fishing: How to Prepare Properly

Night fishing is a rather complicated method of fishing. Night fishing is possible at any time of the year, but it is more popular in the summer. If you're a beginner, it's better to try your hand at night fishing in the summer, when you quickly […]

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Roach Fishing in Summer

Roach fishing is very promising in the summer, because it is during this period that there is the highest peak of baiting activity. And if the pre-spawning period causes roach baiting in the spring, then in the summer it is due to a little […]

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Pike Fishing in Summer

Pike fishing in summer is a very interesting activity. Not a single fisherman will refuse to catch this bold and strong predator in the summer. Pike fishing in the summer will be successful if the fisherman learns to understand well the habits of the pike [...]

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Longline Fishing In Summer: Tactics And Tips

Longline fishing in the summer has a number of tricks. In part, especially in June, it is very similar to line fishing in late spring, but closer to mid-summer, the behavior of the fish changes. Her appetizing passions, […]

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Roach Fishing Feeder Spring

Feeder roach fishing is how most anglers start their open water season. This fish is already quite active in clean cold water. Some anglers believe that roach fishing is mostly float […]

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Line Fishing in Spring

Line fishing in the spring is just as interesting as in the summer. From early spring, after hibernation, the lines start to please the fisherman with their baits. This peaceful fish, which behaved passively from November to March, is slowly starting to wake up. The line is best caught in the second half of spring and summer. However, already in March, the ropes begin to loosen after…

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