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One Night Underwater Tandem Competition

2023-10-21/15:00 - 2023-10-22/9:00

80 Eur
Vienos Nakties Dugninės Tandemo Varžybos

Sports fishing club "Suvalkijos feeder club" invites all fans to a one-night feeder Tandem fishing competition to win the mayor's cup. Competition venue, Vištytis lake, section between 54.401563,22.760055 to 54.400671,22.764081. Link to the venue of the competition. Šilelis campsite


The One-Night Underwater Tandem Competition can be participated by all adults who have reached the age of 18, and minors only with the participation of one of their parents or guardians, who have registered in advance and paid the entry fee of 80 euros.
Recipient: fishing club Suvalkijos feeder club LT977300010175393128 purpose of payment: name of the team with the names and surnames of the participants.
Registration for the competition is in advance. There will be no registration at the venue. If the participant changes his mind about participating, the paid entry fee is not refunded.
Information: by phone +37068416495
Registration starts on 04/09/2023, ends on 15/10/2023 at 18:00.
The list of participants is filled in below.


October 21 (Saturday):
15:00 – 15:30 – instruction of competition participants and drawing of sectors;
16:00 - 1st signal - entering sectors;
17:10 - signal 2 - checking baits and lures;
18:00 - signal 3 - start of the competition;
October 22 (Sunday):
07:55 - signal 4 - 5 minutes left until the end of the competition;
08:00 - 5th signal - end of competition and weighing of catches;
09:00 - calculation and announcement of competition results, awarding of winners.
The competition organizers reserve the right to change the competition agenda by notifying the participants in advance.


The duration of the competition (excluding preparation) is 14 hours.
The draw will be based on registration. Whoever registers first will be drawn first.
Each team can register one coach and assistant coaches who represent only one team. Coaches and assistants must have distinctive signs and inform the referees and the competition administration about it.
The number of participants in the competition is limited. Registration will be suspended once the limit of 28 teams is reached.
After the briefing and drawing of lots, the participants move to their sector and can start preparing the equipment immediately.
The maximum allowed quantity of baits is 5 liters per participant, 10 liters per "team". The maximum quantity of mosquito larvae and/or joker is 1L, earthworms 1L. Baits must be submitted for inspection in graduated boxes, not cut, crushed or otherwise.
There is no limit to the amount of bait. You can mix the bait with a mixer or spinner only before the competition, and if necessary during the competition, you can do it only at the judges' tent, in order not to make noise on the shore and not disturb other participants. Manually, without making noise, is also possible in the fishing place.
Baits and lures must be of natural origin. Artificial baits (made of metal, rubber, paralon, etc.) imitating mosquito bites, fly larvae, worms, dead fish, artificial flies, etc. are prohibited.
It is allowed to use such a system (In Line) so that the fish can freely escape from the feeder when the line breaks. Do not use any limiters or silicone dampeners on the main line between the feeder and the tip of the rod.
Feeding during the competition is only allowed with feeders. Feeder sizes are allowed for feeding and catching: diameter - no more than 5 cm, length - no more than 7 cm.
The use of a shock leader is not mandatory in the system assembly. When using a shock leader, the feeder should slide easily through the shock leader assembly. The minimum distance from the hook to the bottom of the feeder is at least 50 cm. It is forbidden to tighten the system tied on the line during the inspection.
Catching by "method" method is prohibited.
Catching during the competition with a weight is prohibited.
During the competition, the team catches only within the boundaries of their designated sector, no outside help is allowed. It is caught simultaneously in a team with two rods, using only one hook in the system. The number of spare rods is unlimited.
The fish is kept in a net of at least 3 meters in length. During the competition, the net must be immersed in the water as much as possible over its length. Other methods of keeping caught fish are prohibited.
Competition teams must try to ensure that all fish survive the weigh-in - release back into the water.
The system (hook, feeder) cannot be in the water when the team is leaving the sector during the competition.
During the competition, when leaving his sector, at least one participant must have his fishing rod pulled out.
Team coaches and assistants can only enter their team's sector. Only one representative can be in the team sector at a time: a coach or an assistant coach. Judges have the right to enter the sector of each participant.
It is allowed to use platforms with a maximum size of 1×1 m. Platforms are built both on land and in water. For the safety of all participants, platforms can be placed in the water no more than 5 meters from the shoreline.
It is forbidden to use generators that make noise. Lighting is only possible using devices that have rechargeable batteries or disposable batteries. The direct light source may not fall into the water further than the end of the participant's net. Further education is prohibited. One Night Underwater Tandem Competition.
Teams are prohibited from using telephones, headphones, walkie-talkies, echo sounders during the competition. You can use the phone only after getting off the platform and answering a member or a member of the neighboring team
All fish of the size and type determined by the IFA (recreational fishing regulations) are eligible.
Only fish taken out of the water before the finish signal are counted.
If the team places a fish in the net that was still in the water after the finish signal, the largest fish will be released from the net until the weigh-in.
After weighing, all fish are released back into the water body. The winner of the competition is determined by the weight of the legal size fish caught.
By paying the entry fee, teams accept responsibility for their own safety, equipment and injuries.
Competition teams who have paid the entry fee, at the same time confirm and agree that during the competition, photos, video material, team name and surname can be used in articles, videos and other information sources.
Prizes await the winners and prize-winners of the competition. Big fish award will be given only for the biggest fish.
Due to bad weather conditions, the organizers reserve the right to cancel or temporarily suspend the competition.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited from the start of registration until the end of awards.
On the day and night of the competition, you must have an ID, as this is a border zone.
p.s. The banks of Vištytis are steep and overgrown with trees and bushes, a big advantage is a pedan, maybe even necessary, have pedans, it will allow you to fish better and more comfortably 😉
During the night, participants will be provided with portions of hot food, hot tea and participant cards.
During all competitions, you can come to the judges to fill up with hot water and tea. "You have your own thermos cup"


80 Eur
Event Category:


Suvalkijas feeder club


Vištytis lake